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Randonnée pédestre

Golette pass - Van d'en haut

Salvan - Les Marécottes

The Col de la Golette connects La Creusaz to the Salanfe basin via magnificent viewpoints!

The hike starts at the arrival of the cable car in La Creusaz. Follow the signs for the Col de la Golette and Salanfe.

At the beginning, you will walk along a forest road that will take you through the ski area of Les Marécottes. The ascent to the pass is a little more difficult from Le Vélard. You take a path of scree which turns out to be quite steep.

Once you reach the pass, the view is really magnificent. The descent to the lake of Salanfe by the combe de la Golette is a nice path that will take you through fields of rhododendrons. At the edge of the path, signs tell you about the remains of the former gold and arsenic mine, the second largest in Switzerland after Gondo.

This brings you closer to Lake Salanfe, where you can rest at the Salanfe Inn. The trail then continues towards the Vallon de Van.

From July to August, a bus runs between Van d'en Haut and Les Marécottes. Outside this period, allow an additional 1h30 to reach Salvan or Les Marécottes.

Technical information

  • Distance 10.8 km
  • Positive elevation 771 m
  • Negative elevation 1'151 m
  • Highest point 2'472 m
  • Duration 4h35min


Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.11826474965342, 6.994112133979798

Environment :